Well, friends (apparently I am speaking to you like you are my class of second graders) - school ended in a whirlwind. Field Day (the first one was rained out, we rescheduled for the final full-week of school, we had our second grade picnic, I packed up my room and moved it to a new one within the building, got my kids' grades done and sent them all on their way by May 22nd. No tears were shed on the final day - at least not by me. Some of my kids did. I remember one of my kids saying, I want to stay with you, and I responded, but I'm not going to 3rd grade!
On my final day of post-planning I sat through a 3 hour IEP meeting to get one of my students situated in Special Education and ready to begin next school year where she she should be - that took long enough. Saturday night I stayed at a friend/co worker's who was moving to Philly so that we could get on the road bright and early Sunday morning for our 14 hour drive to Philly. We made it by 10:00 that night. I was beat. SO much MOVING!
Naturally, when I was in Philly, I found out I have to move apartments. My building was late on giving me the rental increase amount, so while they didn't hold me to my 30 day notice, I did, because I'm a teacher and I have a limited amount of time during summer and did I mention I am teaching SUMMER SCHOOL?!?! SO I went out and found a new apartment (a cheaper apartment in a matter of 2 days after returning from Philly and have preplanning for summer school). I've scheduled the movers, the painters, the cable/internet, and my parents and I have packed up my entire kitchen and almost my entire living room. Oh yes, all the while during the first week of summer school - hours 6:30-2:30, and the midst of a terrible storm tearing down trees and losing power for over 24 hours.
Moving is in T-5 days. This will be my 5th move in 9 years. I have moved almost every 2 years since being out of college. I am very over apartment living. I am hoping this coming apartment will be the last stop on the line before I can purchase something. I'm downsizing. I'm going with the budget. I'm paying off some debt. I'm getting real.
Stay tuned for the home tour...

Can't wait!! What are you teaching for summer school?