You're an EXTRA special teacher! + printable

Tomorrow begins Teacher Appreciation Week, and as I said earlier, I could never do this alone. Only a few of my coworkers know about this little 'ole blog of mine, and I don't think they read it so regularly (and if by some shock they do, I am crossing my fingers today is not a day they do - or maybe they could because the truth is, this is for them).

The people I work with come in each day and give it their all, not just to the kids but to me too. Its hard enough in a school the size of ours, but to stop in the middle of your day and take your time to help a teacher who comes in after the first 9 weeks of school - well that indeed requires some EXTRA special teachers. I've seen this idea around, but I wanted to make my own labels. So I did and I am sharing them with you. They should print on the Avery labels, so just peel them off and slap it onto a nice little pack of Extra chewing gum!

Happy Appreciation Day 1!


  1. This sounds like a great idea... but I can't see the image! It says Internest Explorer can't display it. Is it just me? :(


  2. Sydney,

    This is adorable and very economical...which I LOVE! Thanks for sharing. Keep those awesome ideas coming.


  3. So sad! I can't see this one or the one for day 2. : (
