Feeling appreciated? + a FREEBIE

Next week is National Teacher Appreciation Week. My school is so large (approx. 1800 students, so imagine the amount of teachers and staff) that we are going to appreciate everyone for the entire month. I like that my principal decided to do that. We all need that push as the year comes to a close anyway. 

I love to look around on blogs and see some of the adorable ideas people come up with. I can't make them all for myself (though they are SOOO cute), I think part of being appreciated is the feeling you get when you help appreciate others. Let's face it - could we really make it through the school year without our coworkers? No one can do this job alone. Half the time unless you are talking to another teacher, do others really understand?! 

Here are some items I found:

These ladies at eighteen25 are awesome. Make sure you go there to download yours for your classroom! (I may even print some for my teammates). While you are there browse around at their other great ideas!

They are cupcakes. Too cute, right?! I love to bake plus to teach my students my name I always say it sounds like "cone, like an ice cream cone!" This has become very popular with the 1st graders when we learned about homophones. I'm a homophone! hehe. Go here to see how to do make them and get the printables. 

This site, Nothing but Country is full of great ideas and printables as well. Head over there. 

This site has a slew of ideas and directs you to others. I may do these and have my kids take them to the teachers (it's appropriate in my situation because my students have a bond with many of the other 1st grade teachers. My class formed in October so my students were taken from other's classes).

I went here just to get these editable printables. I changed to the name to ME. I make wearable flowers out of zippers and fabric. Lots of my teammates comment about them. I may try to make some and attach the little card. 

This is another cute idea that even if you don't want to try it for teacher appreciation, you could put letters on the blocks and have a fabulous word work game - or keep it as numbers and you've got yourself a math game (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) and it's pretty to look at too!

A few more places to check out:


  1. These are soooo awesome sydney!! I am totally doing the lifesaver one for my teaching team! You are right, this is not something we do alone! Its like battling an army! Haha :)


  2. Thanks for the great resources. I printed my teacher sign this week from 1825. I like the lifesaver idea for my aides and office staff. We have classified staff week, too.

  3. Thanks for featuring some of my teacher goodies. I LOVE Teacher Appreciation week!!!

  4. These are some fabulous ideas. I am a teacher and mother. These are helpful as a parent and definitely things I would love to receive as a teacher!

  5. Thanks for featuring our project. They were a lot of fun to make & the teachers both loved them :)
