Extra Extra Special!

Okay, so I had a few comments that people were unable to see the labels. So I am trying this again. I really hope it works for you. I used Avery 5163 Shipping Labels - 10 to a page. On my screen everything looks perfect but when I print the last few are not aligned correctly. I am hoping that is something I can fix on my new printer and not a problem with the document. Either way the gum is ready to go for tomorrow and it looks cute. Hope this works for you.
Stay tuned for Day 2!


  1. Your labels are now showing up! I think it just took a bit to load up!

    Thanks for sharng!

    Little Priorities

  2. Love this- passing out to my fellow teachers today! Thanks so much for the idea.


  3. I Love this one too! I'm working my way down from the popcorn! I'd love to give these to my whole staff! Thank you for sharing!
    Thanks, Nancy
    The Apple Basket Teacher
