Popping with Appreciation +printable

I hope everyone felt appreciated in some small way today. We're down to 19 days and I think every one will be a struggle - to make sure I've taught everything I possibly could have and should have, to make sure I feel comfortable leaving these students (and it really will be me leaving them - we'll cross that bridge in a few weeks), and to make sure their behavior is still as in check as ever.

It was fun to put the packs of gum in all of the 1st grade teachers mailboxes today. I didn't have my name on the note, but for some reason I thought they would figure out it was me. Two of our teammates are on the Sunshine Committee and they knew it wasn't something the school had talked about doing, but it still took me telling them. It was still nice and gave me a warm fuzzy all of them started finding out.

Here's tomorrow's sticker. They fit on Avery Shipping 6 to a page. It is going on a bag of microwave popcorn. I have said, my students came from several of the teachers who were already there and because my class formed later my students also now get split up for specials. So, throughout the day my kids are around almost every other teacher. I haven't decided if I will have them give this to the teachers or if I will place it in their boxes. I tried to pick a font you could read, I wanted it to feel like popcorn though....
It says this:

You planted a kernel of knowledge this year that in our hearts will keep on popping. 
We'll try hard to share it with others so it can grow without ever stopping. 
We're not trying to "butter you up" but to us you're the "salt of the earth."
You need to know how much you helped us grow and just how much that's worth!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing! I should have read before I hit print! Now I need to go get some Avery labels! Two of my children attend the school I teach at. My 6th grader has 3 teachers. So, I'll be given 4 bags of popcorn! Thanks again for sharing this!
    Thanks, Nancy
    The Apple Basket Teacher
