What Would You Tell Your Old Self? - Monday (Meet Up & Made It)

It seems the Linky for The Teaching Tribune has already closed tonight, which is a little sad. However, I went ahead and did this assignment, because I thought this was an awesome one. You were supposed to write a letter to yourself when you began teaching, and maybe even this blogging journey.

Things like this are cathartic and, obviously, a tad reflective. There's so much that has taken place for me in the past school year - personally, professionally, and academically. I enjoyed writing this. If it is hard to read because of the font size, I have put it below the image as well.

Wow! Do you remember yourself back then? You had done your time pounding the pavement in NYC. You did – you made it there and you could make it anywhere. You went there without a job and on the very last day of your timeline, you landed one.

Who would have thought it would have taken you longer to find one in teaching?! Your mom still tells the story of when she asked you why you wanted to teach and you told her because you’re good at it.

It’s true. You are a good teacher. There’s no doubt you’re wiser though. You’ve made it through some tough times in the world of teaching. You’ve stuck to it and held true to your path.

Don’t forget that path – don’t forget why you started. You started for the kids. You started because you wanted to make a difference. Remember to just close your door and teach - every. darn. day! There are people, including administrators who will beat that door and you down. Do not let them. Smile and nod. At the end of the day leave – leave the building and the worries.

That’s easier said than done. There will be those who believe in you. Appreciate them, cherish them, learn with them, and collaborate with them. There will be those who sell you out at times – learn from them, too. Learn from everything. Make yourself better.

Sometimes blogging is a part of it. Maybe you have items to share on TpT, maybe you don’t. It doesn’t matter if you have thousands of followers (which I don’t). What matters is whether or not it is the outlet you want or need it to be. Does something resonate with the people who are listening or reading? Maybe it will and maybe it won’t. It’s much like in life.

Accept the challenges set before you, but don’t out wear your welcome. Know when it is time to go and blaze a new path (it may seem scary, but you’ve done it before). Create. Explore. Ask. And ask some more! You are never too old to keep learning, to continue growing, and to be the bigger person.  Remember, as a friend once told you when you were having a down day, “cut yourself some slack…on your worst day those kids are still lucky as heck to have you!” She was onto something and so are you. Keep on truckin’ & teachin’ - S

I am also joining Tara, finally, for Monday Made It! Woot Woot!

Okay, this is super easy and simple, but I noticed that when I did my "Thirsty Thursday" linky the other week, well only person linked and commented, but over 5,000 peeps viewed the page and loads of you like/pinned/viewed that recipe on Pinterest. You little sneaky people!
So here's the thing - I don't know if you like my motto, the recipe, totally disagree with me, or what - but here's another recipe for you (and I use the term recipe loosely):
- Whole Wheat Linguine (2 servings before boiled - I have a portion thingy)
-Broccoli (however much you want from bag, fresh)
- Spinach (however much you want from bag, fresh)
- Mushrooms (half a package)
-Artichoke Hearts (half a can, quartered, packed in water)
- Bruschetta Tomatoes (jar from Costco, Gluten Free, pictured)
Organic Valley Cream (About a Tblsp.)
- Rotisserie chicken breast (diced)

1. Boil noodles
2. in pan saute all veggies
3. Add tomatoes, cream, and chicken last. 
4, heat til thick (as desire)
5. drain noodles, mix all together, season to taste - would be good with red pepper flakes. 
Makes a lot. 

Okay, my next made it(s) will be a little more creative. 
Thanks :)


  1. Yum! That recipe looks super delicious!! Thanks for sharing:) I LOVED your letter! I'm so glad you shared it, despite the link closing. You were incredibly reflective with your words, and I like how you gave "yourself" a little kick in the pants:) but didn't berate yourself; you're just trying to keep yourself in line and on track! I'm certain you were made for this field…just keep reminding yourself of this letter and you'll be hugely successful. Success is not determined by the number of followers or items/dollars earned on TpT…it's a personal standard I'm sure you'll achieve:) Enjoy your week!

  2. I too loved your letter and found it through the comment you left on the linky page. I tell lots of teachers when they are feeling down because of what the "higher authorities" say about their teaching at times - look at the faces of your children and their parents - if they are happy then you are doing all the right things!! Teaching at Pempi's Palace
