Five for Fraturday? - A Week Full of Thanks and Cute Stuff!

It's another Friday Saturday (whoops) and I'm linking up again with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday.

Well, I was back in the saddle again. Summer school began this past Monday. I was supposed to have 3rd graders (rising 4th) who didn't pass the math portion of our State test. They have to pass reading, so this is for remediation and bridging the gap. Only 6 students showed up the first day. Since there were two teachers I didn't really have a class. So I helped the director and our AP that day. As we loaded the last car at the end of the day I looked at my phone to check my email. I had one from DonorsChoose - "Project Funded!" Y'all I couldn't believe it. It took exactly a week. I am beyond blessed!

I went back to summer school for more the next day. I still didn't have a class. BUT, I knew they weren't going to cut me. They had budgeted for me as a teacher. We just needed the kids. Unfortunately, they weren't in 3rd :( They were in kindergarten. I don't have anything against kindergarten, I just haven't taught it in like, oh um 7 or 8 years. Oh. my. lawd! Y'all I appreciate all of you K teachers out there. I have 9. How do you do it all year? I will try not to gripe about having 26 2nd graders again (I said, try - not promise). 

I knew what to do with them, but I didn't know where my resources were! And what I did have was ALL packed up in a trailer outside. I got home and scoured all of the blogs and and TpT. But let me tell you, Hadar at Miss Kindergarten is AMAZING!!! I may not speak of her often because she teaches K and I'm 2nd, but way back when we were starting this journey (years ago), we were starting around the same time. We were both in the same boat, searching and searching for jobs - on opposite coasts. She became one of my very first blogging buddies. Though I've never been able to meet her in person she continues to inspire me. If you are in need of ideas, creativity, or resources you must run to her blog. Oh, and she has no idea I wrote any of this about her. It's completely unsolicited. 

These are some of items she hooked me up with that have been lifesavers:

My kids loved what we've done so far!

I've also been doing my Little Red Hen Reader's Theater and Somebody, Wanted, But, So Unit with them. They love it!

This isn't in my TpT, yet. Are people interested in it?

We joined with our 1st grade summer school buddies (some of my 2nd grade teacher friends are the teachers for that) and we made the cutest little father's day cards. I found it through this pin on Pinterest. It had it for a Hershey bar inside, but instead I put their writing inside. 

I submitted my proposal to be a presenter in the fall at a state conference for ELLs on differentiation. My teacher for my Endorsement and the County head of the department liked the lessons I was doing (the Red Hen one above and these below). Fingers crossed. 

Again, not in my store, but coming soon!

Have a great weekend!


  1. You reminded me that I have a DonorsChoose thank you package due soon! Have you heard about the giving pages for DonorsChoose? They have helped me get SO many projects funded! The one I visit most often is Send A Smile. I like your new products too! You should totally get them on TPT! If you are interested, I'm hosting Sell It Saturdays on my blog. I'd love for you to link up!

    Teaching In A Nutshell

  2. You are very very welcome Sydney!! So glad I was able to help you. Enjoy your kinders :)

  3. Your Little Red Hen is adorable - love her apron! You're ambitious to teach summer school - I'm impressed!
