You Know You're a Teacher When + Warm Fuzzies

Way back when I first started blogging, Abby from the Inspired Apple hosted a linky party for "You Know You're a Teacher When..."

I still believe in everything I wrote in that post. However today, via Pinterest of course, I found this that a former coworker of mine had found. I had to share it.

Oh I believe so much of these also ring true.
Laminating - I love me some laminating. There is something about cutting it that is so therapeutic to me.
April 1 - umm probably my least favorite day to be around kids.
Totally sing the ABC's in my head when figuring out telephone numbers or info in a dictionary.
And my favorite, and probably my brother's biggest pet peeve of mine, I feel the need to constantly correct grammar.

And well since we're going way back here and looking through an old post I thought I would also catch up on some awards I received, as well as need to reciprocate with the giving.

A while ago I mentioned that these two lovely bloggers:

Blog button 

nominated as one of their Top 10 blogs. Right after I posted that sweet Miss Kindergarten, Hadar, did so as well, so I definitely want to thank her too!

In addition to the above three blogs, the following also are in my Top 10 (and I feel I must say, it is so very hard to narrow this down, so what I did was strictly stick to the bloggers who I began reading and getting inspired from). Some of the blogs listed below inspired me or even commented that I should begin my own blog. Once I had done so, some of the bloggers have continued to support me from day one. 

The Teacher Wife


The Polka Dot Patch 

Learning with Mrs Parker
Thank you all for making me become a Top 10 and for being part of MY TOP 10!

Top 10 TBA

1 comment:

  1. Awww thanks for the shout out Sydney!!! Hope you have a fabulous week!
