Millions of Peaches

Hey Y'all! Welcome back. It's been forever. I know. But I'm so glad you're here. I have a new adventure to tell you all about. I'm so excited to join about 30 other Georgia bloggers and bring you an exclusive, brand new collaborative blog titled The Primary Peach. We've got lots of tips, tricks, fun, and freebies up our sleeves JUST for Georgia teachers and we really hope you'll join along for all of the things we have in store for you. 

For the first blog post we are doing a blog hop full of FREEBIES!  And not just any freebie, a freebie that is tailored for the end of the year.  Each blogger has created an exclusive, end of the year freebie, just for you! But first, allow me to introduce myself. 

I've taught at the same school for 5 years and I love it. It's tiring and each day brings a different challenge, but I am blessed with coworkers who make me laugh. I've taught 1st, 2nd, EIP (1st and 2nd) and recently came out of the classroom to do Math Intervention for grades 3-5. Next year I will be an instructional coach. I have my ESOL and Coaching endorsements and am working on my math endorsement. I love learning and creating. 

I've got a sweet treat for you today. I live for teacher appreciation - appreciating the other teachers I work with who come in and help with my students and just help me get by on a daily basis. What we do truly take a village. I've created a fun little gift tag for you to use for gifts. I made a gift basket for one of the most awesome coworkers the other day. The basket had: a bag of Starbursts, pens, a cute notebook, fun binder clips, colored Post-its, and a gift card to the Container Store. I personally think the little tag would be cute with just a gift card or just a basket containing items (however you choose to use the play on the word "contain" - have fun with it)! Click here to grab them

Want to meet the next Primary Peach blogger and collect another freebie?  You're in luck because Jivey has an awesome end of the year poem for y'all. Head on over to her blog to snag it. She's so creative!

Also, be sure to head over to The Primary Peach to enter our Rafflecopter. There are some good prizes. We will have 1 GRAND PRIZE $50 TPT Gift Certificate and 3 more lucky winners will each receive a $25 TPT Gift Certificate! Be sure to enter. 

Have fun Blog hopping with the rest of the sweet Georgia bloggers.