Falling in Love with Words - Chapter 3

I'm back this week, linking up with Dianna at Sassy, Savvy, Simple Teaching.

1. Do you have any ah-has, questions, comments about this chapter?
This chapter was a lot of what I expected in terms of the words we choose. However, it was more about looking at the words authors choose in order to relay information or tell a story. The chapter suggests beginning this lesson with an advertisement and looking at the words in an ad to get the students to weed out the important. I thought this also could be done in lower grades perhaps with the lyrics of a popular song they love. This reminded me a lot about how we think and teach about Author's Purpose. I thought it would be great to tie these lessons in together. 

2. What is different from how you have taught close reading to students?
In all honesty, I am not an expert, nor have I fully taught this for an entire year. I started mid-year last year with one high reading group. This year I would love to be more thorough in my practice. I, myself, am a big word person. I love quotes and try to hang them around the room. In terms of needing to analyze the words or phrases, I think it is a challenge to some but it can be a lot of fun. 

The most important thing to remember is this: "No longer are we simply helping students find information, we are now in the position of empowering them with the vital habits of carefully sifting through all the sources that vie for their attention." (Lehman & Roberts, pg. 32)

We are not giving students the answer or the easy way out. We are teaching them how to find the answers. Much like this well known quote: 

Happy reading. Be sure to enter our giveaway and follow these other great bloggers to find out what they thought of chapter 3. 


  1. I like your idea of using song lyrics with little ones!
    Rowdy in First Grade

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