There'd Be Days Like These - the Last Day

When you're feeling creative...

When you're feeling tired and exhausted...

When you just need something to get you through...

When it's enough to know that maybe they were listening...

When you put in the effort, and things you never expected start to happen...

When you open a book and are reminded you just might have a few co-workers on your side after all...

When you just need motivation...

When all of your kids from last year come into your room to tell you they passed 3rd grade (our state test scores came in yesterday)...

When all else fails...

 What I've come to realize is that there'll be all these types of days - and sometimes they may even be rolled into one. Sometimes they won't. Maybe you'll have days when it seems no one's on your side or everyone's forgotten about you. Sometimes we have classes that follow our rules and they seem like angels. Some years there are classes who force us to try every trick in the book and still with 1 day left of school people lose recess because they don't know how to line up in number order (something you've been doing since day 1). Teaching is hard. Whoever tells you otherwise has no clue what they are talking about. I'm not interested in the people who think teaching is glorified babysitting. 

I've never been more ready for the last day of school. This year and this class has tried me beyond belief. I have lost patience. I have lost energy. I have lost 30 pounds - with zero effort. 

Professionally, I have grown. I have completed my ELL Endorsement. I have begun my Coaching Endorsement. I have been recognized for certain teaching practices. I have a few other things in the works. 

They say there's days, classes, and even school years like these. I bid them farewell.

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