Five for Friday - School's Out For Summer!

It's another Friday and I'm linking up again with Doodle Bugs Teaching for another Five for Friday. If you'll allow me, I have a little bit to catch up on, so this is two week's worth.

I finally completed my final unit for my ELL Endorsement. Normal people would've found their resources and activities, cited them in their lessons and called it a day, but no not me. You bloggers have rubbed off on me. I created and differentiated all of them. Each lesson has three levels of differentiation. The minute I completed the last one, I went to add one last thing...

except it didn't really debate. It died. Hard drive and all. 

Long story short - it took a while with Apple. They had to order a part, we had to get my data, I had to deal with a lead tech. When I finally got to the right people everyone was as nice and as helpful as they could be. I even took in a Chipotle gift card as a 'thank you.' He said he couldn't accept it. I had my credit card out to pay for the parts and repairs and he and the manager were both standing there and said, "it's been taken care of." I started crying, so then my mom started crying. Never in my life has anyone just taken care of something that expensive. In retrospect, it was not thousands of dollars. However, as a teacher I was overwhelmed by the kindness. You never knowwhen it may be your day. Always be kind. Pay it forward. 

Now, as many of you know - I LOVE teacher appreciation, because I LOVE to give and appreciate the teachers I work with. There is nothing about teaching that is a one person show. We cannot do this alone. I personally would not be where I am without the help and support of some amazing people. Some of them don't think they deserve it, but the fact of the matter is none of would make it out unscathed without some camaraderie along the way. 

I had so much fun with these bags. I did 4 - 3 for our coaches and 1 for a support teacher. I found the cute little tote bags at Michael's. The labels for the bags can be found here. Inside each bag I put a bottle of Snapple that I put these labels on from Farley

In two of the bags I taped together two Skor bars with this label

In one coach's bag I added a mug that said "Anyone can be cool, but awesome takes practice." It's very her. In our math coach's bag (her tote was leopard print, which is also VERY her). I added leopard print pencils and some flair pens. Both of their bags had a book we put together: The Important Book (About Ms. _______). Each student wrote their own page. They even read the book to our math coach. She spent the most time with them this year so I wanted her to feel extra special. The other bag I added lots of sticky notes to because she had used them with my kids for Book Club. 

They each also got notepads with their initials (along with all the teachers on my team). I made these after looking at the directions from Fluttering Through First Grade

Okay, this one is random - but does anyone watch General Hospital? One of my kids had this book, and when I saw Chupacabra I laughed so hard and then was sad that no one would know what it was!

Have you tried Plated?

 It was so fun, very easy, and very good. I found it through facebook. There was a special. They were offering 4 meals free. All you had to pay was the shipping. So for $20 dollars I got all of this (the spring vegetable tart - which was delicious) and the tilapia tacos (I think I would have liked it better had they been flour tortillas but then that negates the gluten free factor). I will say I wasn't feeling so well when I made the tart. But, I was at my parents and it served more than enough for all of us. Plus, I was able to eat it and they actually both really enjoyed it. It had leeks, mushrooms, onions, shallots, and yellow beets. They send you all of the ingredients and the recipe. All you have to do is make it. I know some people don't like the idea of having to do the cooking since that's the "dirty work" but when everything is already portioned out for you, it's kind of fun. Their menu changes weekly. You should give it a try for something new and different. (I was not paid to say any of this).

I have to add one final thing as we end the school year. This sweet little piece from my sweet student yesterday: 

Happy weekend and summer!


  1. So sorry about your computer! At least you had a good experience with Apple to help you through it. I ADORE your gifts for your coworkers. So cute!

    My Carolina Classroom

  2. I watch General Hospital so I totally get the laughing. My husband watches the SyFy network so I've seen many silly movies about things like the chupababra. It was really a stretch when Heather was trying to convince the kids of it. And then everyone repeated it in every conversation :)

  3. Wow! How blessed to have your computer repairs paid for!
    I love the teacher appreciation gifts you made :)

    Rainbow Lily
    Rainbow Lily Designs

  4. Oh my gosh! Your computer crashed!? I am so sorry. That would ruin my entire week! But luckily it was a pleasant experience getting it fixed! You are totally right, always pay it forward. You never know. :)

    Also, this Plated thing sounds amazing! Is it like 1 meal/recipe everytime!? I'm going to go check it out right now!

    Tasha Emmerson
    Confessions of a Tiny Teacher
