Take Care of Yourself - a Good Cause

One thing many teachers find themselves reminding their students of throughout the day is "who are you supposed to worry about?" Response: "yourself." Or perhaps we word it slightly differently. My own class motto has the wording "Take Care of yourself." However, do we as teachers ever stop and take care of ourselves? My co-teachers and I have had several reminders to do that in the past couple of weeks. Yes, we've been exhausted. But there have also been unexpected deaths and hospitalizations. 

Over this weekend I have learned even more so how important it is that we take care of ourselves - and maybe even perhaps be sure we don't say "worry about yourself" because sometimes other need us to worry for them. 

One of my co-workers has been in and out of the hospital for the past two weeks. She has Cystic Fybrosis. We're hoping to see her smiling face tomorrow morning. I had her class make cards for her on Friday and they were so excited. Also, coming up at my school is Relay for Life.

Relay for Life is a way to help with any and all kinds of cancers. I certainly can name too many that affected my life through various people. 

One thing my father always taught me is that no matter your position in life, you always have enough to give. I am fortunate to work in a school where my principal supports that. Tomorrow, I am setting up my Stella & Dot jewels for teachers to stop by and shop. 20% of the proceeds will be donated to Relay for Life. If you would like to contribute to the effort, go ahead to my link (especially while you are watching the Oscars tonight and getting inspired by all of the style) and shop. I'll then contribute 20% of all purchases made from now until midnight Tuesday night (2/28 EST).


  1. I love this post! SO TRUE! We, especially as teachers, sometimes forget how important WE ARE! Thanks so much for sharing.

    What an awesome post!

    A Year of Many Firsts

  2. I love your jewelry! I hope you raise a lot of money! Good luck!

  3. Love your blog. You deserve an award. Check it out at http://differentiatedkindergarten.blogspot.com

  4. I am nominating you for the Lovely Blog Award. Congratulations!

