I'm Looking for My Friends, I'm Looking for YOU!

 Sid the Science Kid, anyone? Isn't that song just a little catchy? I'm the teacher on the hall who has found not one but two different box sets of Sid, so we watch when there's a rainy day because we can usually get a science or health grade, too (trust me, we are good teachers!).  Needless to say, the teachers wind up singing this song down the hall to one another when we need something, so now I sing it to you - my blog friends.

As I mentioned in a previous post, a co-worker and I are going to teach a Professional Learning Course to other teachers. The way it works in our school is that each semester you fill out the application and topic and then the AP decides on some and the teachers have to sigh up for the one they want to join.

I had been thinking about a blogging one of sorts. Especially as I was putting centers and games together and fellow co-workers would constantly comment on my creativity, telling me I should work with curriculum or be 1st grade's professional blogger. At the time I was having a hard enough time finding a real job - so we even joked that we would give it a more "professional" title - Professional Resources Manager.

Before I knew it, co-workers were finding my blog through Pinterest (they recognized my rocking chair) and I was recognizing activities they were doing with their kids from all of YOUR blogs. We started comparing notes. We decided why not?!

We gave our PLU course a classier name - Creative Teaching and Technology Resources. It begins on Tuesday, January 23rd. What we would like to do is put together a packet/powerpoint for them (we limited the class size to 20 - and mainly K, 1, ELL teachers) of blogs, freebies, fonts we like, ideas for organizing and using, etc). The teaching I am doing this actually has no idea I am making this post, but I kind of thought it would be fun (she searches on blogs and I blog) about another different way you can use blogs to reach out to all different teachers and get ideas and resources. If you are willing to contribute - anything, in any way - be it a printable, a freebie, math, science, social studies, word work, daily 5, organization - I would love to include you all in our presentations and give you some shout outs! And of course, in appreciation I will be more than happy to share the entire organized compilation that my co-workers receive with any and all who contribute when all is said and done! If there are any questions please let me know.


  1. I would love to help. I will link up some of my freebies tomorrow. Nothing in my TN store is over $2. Can I link my shop too?

  2. I would love to help too Sydney, this is awesome!! I will email you my sight word writing practice which is created for kinder but would work well for struggling firsties and ELL!

  3. I would love to help with this. I am still figuring out this whole blogging thing, but I LOVE to share ideas. I will try to whip something up this week to share with you. Thanks!

  4. I would love to help. I can email you my winter math centers. This was a giveaway I had for only 3 lucky people. I wouldn't mind sharing though! What else do you need me to do??

    Oh and I love your idea! We are having a team meeting in February with all the second grade teachers in our district. We haven't decided what we are going to do for it yet though.

  5. I don't have your email. Will you post it in a comment on my blog, so I can send you my math unit?? I just made a post dedicated to helping you! :)

  6. This is such a cool idea! I linked up a couple of things - the Buzzworthy Reading Response is just a very simple low-maintenace structure in my classroom, and the In November project is a bit meatier. I've had awesome student writing come out of it. There are also several freebies at my TPT store - you're welcome to any of them.

  7. Let me know after you do the survey if there is anything else you need. I don't mind making some more units. I also love KPM Doodles for Clip art. She makes amazing things. Her button is on my blog. I know you said you were going to put font and clip art information in the packet so I thought I would mention her name too. :)

  8. Oh sounds great. I'll link up later today too. I think my Christmas books were popular, but I'll throw in some math games, too:)

    Grade ONEderful

  9. Hey Sydney, I linked my math vocabulary cards...would you like me to link my Files to Share label too? That's the whole pile of freebies, if you'd like.

    Happy New Year!

  10. I linked up my post about my Reading Comprehension Strategy posters. Hope they will help you :)

    Twins, Teaching and Tacos.

  11. Hi Sydney,

    I linked up my What's My Shar activity, but I also have another sharing game on my blog and some other games that could be of use for Grade 1/K students.

    Down Under Teacher

  12. Hi! I linked up my punctuation cards for the writing station. I also have a bunch of other freebies you can use! =)


  13. So glad I stumbled upon your blog! I linked up one of my most popular games, but feel free to use anything you need. I'm a newbie blogger so most of my printables and posts about the holidays, but I'll be adding more soon! I'm your newest follower on GFC!

    Criss-Cross Applesauce

  14. How exciting!

    Here's a link to a TPT Winter Freebie

    Miss Moore :)

  15. I am linking up to the Freebies page on my blog - it shows all of my posts that have freebies attached! I would love to contribute a file as well - I just put my Penguin Math Unit for January - would that be okay? My email is ingen77 @ yahoo.com if you're interested!

    Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

  16. I sent you some items in an email!! :)

  17. I would love to email you some things! I'll work on it this week!

    Rowdy in First Grade

  18. I linked up freebies from both of my sites. Pick what you need. Let me know if you need anything else. :)

  19. Hey Sid, the Science GAL - I'd love to help! My blog has a slightly different flavor since I'm a school counselor now and my posts typically cover something inspirational or character-related. I do maintain a books that teach list on my school site that might interest your teachers, so here's the link to that page - most have links to reviews I've written with extension activities:

    Books That Teach

    Happy PLC time - what a FUNtastic idea!!!

    The Corner On Character

  20. Hi Sydney! I chose your blog for the Versatile Blogger award. Check it out here: www.aintheclassroom.blogspot.com Thanks for the awesome inspiration! :)

  21. Sydney,
    I'm your newest follower!
    Let me know if you are still in need of items! I will leave my e-mail and links below. If you see something you like, contact me and I will send it to you!

    Randi @ Teach It With Class
    My TPT Store
    My Facebook Page

  22. Hey girl- I'm working on what I want to send you today. Been a bit under the weather. Can you shoot me an email with your email address?


    Rowdy in First Grade
