Resolutions Linky

So yesterday it was 11 in '11. I really wanted to do a 12 in '12 linky (cause '12 is kind of a big deal with me - I turn 30 in 2012, on the 12th of February) but A Teacher's Treasure kind of beat me with her resolution linky. So here goes: 

1. start exercising again (why is that one so hard? Seriously, anyone?)
2. do the aforementioned, so I can lose weight. I did such a good job keeping it off for 2 and a half years and then what happened?!
3. cook more. a bowl of cereal is inadequate. and I am a good cook. 
4. clean a little bit every day, not just once a week. 
5. meet more people (this is hard for me - believe it or not, I am shy).

1. don't procrastinate (ha yeah right! - My dad even gave me a sign once that says "don't rush me, I'm waiting for the last minute.")
2. create more.
3. be more organized (if that is even possible - I am anal and ocd to the nth degree).
4. continue to go with the flow.
5. continue to accept that things will not be perfect. 

Now you go link up if you haven't already!


  1. haha cereal is what I resort to when I'm too lazy (which happens too often) to cook too!!! God Bless Honey Bunches of Oats! I used to clean on Sundays but have gotten better at doing a little bit every day instead because it used to kill me to do it all at once and I was just dreading it. You gave me a good idea... I'm going to create a schedule!!!

    Your dad is hysterical!!! I need a twin sign please!!

    I love your last resoultion so much!!!
    I'm tweaking it for myself - accept that NOT everything will go the was I want it to go!!!

    Thanks for linking up!

    ❤ Mor Zrihen ❤
    A Teacher's Treasure

  2. Hi! I came across your blog recently, and I wanted to pass along the Versatile Blogger Award!

    Come over to my blog (Life in Middle School) and this post Blogging Award! to accept your award!

    ~Lauren from LIMS
