Currently...For Now...At This Moment

Oh Boy Fourth Grade is having a little party and it's a kind I love - cause I love to get to look back and see what I was thinking that day or particular time. So fun! It's like a quick little journal entry, and guess what she even made one we can use with our students cause she is so cool like that! So come, what are YOU currently doing?! You know you're living it up in these last little bit of fleeting moments of summer. 

Here's how you play: 
Write down what you are currently
stalking (include 3 Blogs one has to be non teacher)

Okay so I wish I were cool enough to figure out how to take the blank one Farley made and get it from her blog to where I can edit it, but my brain and technology are not meshing tonight. It's not my night, what can I say?! And I only had the gelato I wanted, can you imagine if I had had the glass ----------on second thought, ah yes that's much better! 

Here goes -

1. LISTENING to Everybody Loves Raymond (that show never gets old, and I always laugh) through the rattling of my AC vent)
2. LOVING that a dress just came in the mail today and it fit! Wooohoo. 
3. THINKING I should finish putting up the laundry that is on my bed, cause I am going to get tired and throw it on the floor, where it will sit until the next time I do laundry (telling it like it is). 
4. WANTING my niece to come back from NYC so she can go swim with me and give me sweet kisses. I love to hear her say my name (she calls me Ney). 
5. NEEDING A JOB! Please!
6. STALKING all my favorite teacher blogs. There are way too many to list. They are over there to the left and if yours isn't there let me know. I'm trying to categorize and do my best! Since there has to be some that are non-teacher related and I can't choose - and


  1. Gelato!!!!!! Yum. And thanks for the tip on Target! One of my friends got the Target ones, but they weren't at my Target... I wonder if they are only at Super Targets? I'll have to check that out before I make my mega order!! :)

    Marvelous Multiagers!

  2. OK you are TOO FUNNY!!! and THANKS for linking up!!! I am so glad you said you just throw your clothes on the floor... me too..LOL I HATE laundry and I still have about 4 loads left to do!! YUCK!!!

  3. ahh I HATE laundry too ... good to know I'm not alone ;-)

