Monday Must-Sees

A whole sheet of 3M Post-it coupons. You know you want to print these. Post-It Coupons

Then, head over to Target's coupons and there is an additional coupon for some Post-It labels, as well as Scotch Tape, which also had a coupon in the paper this weekend.   

Also in the paper yesterday was a whole page for some 3M Command Hooks, so if you still have that lying around, you are going to want to go cut those. 

Next, you have got to go check out Eighteen 25's post today. I mean, here's a sneak peak. They are printable and they are free. Need I say more! 

I'm going to use the "You're So Sharp" for my pencil labels and I already asked if they would make a matching "You're so Dull" ;)

Happy Back to School. 


  1. Thanks for sharing the great resources! I have a weird obsession with post-its and I'm so excited to take these to Target tomorrow!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I'm a new follower!
