A Handmade Classroom, Part 2

Another item from my classroom people were asking about was my rocking chair. I am so happy to share about this. My rocking chair received comments whenever someone new came into my classroom. Even with just two weeks left of school when all of the 1st grade broke up into different groups for the Science Fair I had one of my Awesome Coworker's students in my room and the first thing she said when she walked in was, "You're rocking chair is so pretty!"

Okay well, I have a confession: I'd love to be able to take credit for this wonderful chair, but the credit goes to my mom. I had the white rocking chair. It had lived with me on the balcony of my apartment. I got it on sale the end of one summer at Lowe's. When I finally got my teaching job this past fall my mom asked if I wanted her to paint the chair. Of course I did! If I haven't impressed you with any of my art yet, then you need to at least be prepared to be impressed with my mom. I don't have anything on my mom!

She's very methodical

I mean who would've thought to get a stencil/ruler thingy like that? (excuse Dancing with the Stars in the background)

I told her I wanted it to be colorful, but not so in your face rainbow. I loved the idea of the spindles being crayons. Then just some simple circles so it wasn't too busy. The back was left blank except for a Dr. Seuss quote that I chose (though of course it was hard to narrow it down). I Hope you feel inspired. :)


  1. Absolutely beautiful! Please tell your mom she is a fantastic artist, wow!

  2. I love it! And I'm sure it makes you feel good to have that love and support in your classroom everyday :) Mom's are the best!

    Miss Kindergarten

  3. I think your mom should sell these. The chair is stunning.

    I am now a keen follower and look forward to connecting with you.


  4. you need to link up to my partay with your craftigoodness!!!

    head on over to my blog adn look for T2T linky partay :)


  5. I pinned this and it's gotten 26 repins! How crazy is that!?

    Miss Kindergarten

  6. What kind of paints did she use for all if the colors?
