To Market, To Market

It's been a busy week so I apologize for my absence, but there was a lot of fun stuff going on at school that I want to share with you. Plus, I wasn't even there on Monday, so it was only a four-day week for me. Oh so much to cram in - and now there are only 5 weeks left of school! 

Okay so you have to remember that I am one of 16 first-grade teachers. We decided to have Market Day for our students. Because there are so many of them, we actually made it into two days. One day half of our kids would shop and the other half would work, and then the other day the ones who didn't shop would and the ones who didn't work would. Make sense?  
Each classroom was a different "station" or Market. The students had to "pay" with fake money to come in (some of our "workers" were collecting money). So right there that was one standard being met - fair trade with money/trading coins. Each Market was a different price, for example I was the Photo Booth, the got to dress up for their picture and make a frame with popsicle sticks -cost 75 cents. There was a Tattoo Parlor (fake of course) for 25 cents each. Bottom line from a teacher's perspective there was a LOT of planning and a lot of STRESS that went into this, but it was an amazing two days of a somewhat real-life experience for these students. I think almost every administrator came to check it out, and even parents came. Here are some pictures of what our hall looked like. 

My kids were covered!

This adorable teacher had a disco ball hanging inside from her ceiling, streamers from the ceiling, and great music going. It was the hottest spot in town!

The kids could get their refreshments here and then go next door for a movie.

My photo booth

My awesome coworker, whose husband is an actual police officer decided to be the jail, for bad behavior. She did a great job. Her "workers" were the sheriffs and brought people in, and she let my kids work as "security" in the halls!

My favorite sign in her room that made me laugh every time I walked in - yep, you had to pay to get out of jail - cause that's real life!

Remember these photos are just of our hall - the other hall had:
- a post office (letter writing, another standard being worked on)
- an egg hunt
- an ice cream/popsicle parlor (and they had a huge graph where they graphed their favorite flavors, yet another standard)
- a HealthMpowers room (free if they ran out of money, cause that's real life - the kids love that music and exercises)
- a Yoga room (also for free)

Whew, I'm exhausted just posting all of this. I'll be back for more later!


  1. That is a lot of classes! How big is your school?

  2. at my school of K-5 we have approx. 1800 students. It is the largest in our county.

  3. such a cute idea! I remember doing something like that in 4th grade! okay, making letters in boxes is super easy! in a Word document, I inserted a text box in the size I wanted the little box, then typed in just one letter. Then I right-click on the text box and click "format text box" Under Colors and Lines choose the color for "Line" {I chose black but it could be any color!} and the dashed is solid. Sometimes I like changing the dashed because it's fun. You can also change the "style" to make the lines thicker or thinner. Then I just copied and pasted that same box several times and re-typed the letter that I wanted inside. Hope that helps! Let me know if you need anything else! :)

